Monday, June 9, 2008

One Year Ago..........

So it has been one year since we have moved to Florida! Everyone kept telling us how fast time will fly by and, well, they were right! A year ago Davis was just over one month old and now he's crawling, cruising and talking/babbling up a storm. He actually has a little personality on him now, he he.

This past weekend we were able to attend a Roast honoring the graduating OB/Gyn chiefs that Doug works with. It definitely gave me hope, only 3 more years and we'll be in their shoes, getting ready to move on up and join a practice. It can't come soon enough!
(Spouses top pic, Doc's bottom pic)


Kaleen said...

Looking goooooood Sis!

Unknown said...

Hey girl... you have it right it looks like paradise.. Hope all is well... Rayleen